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What’s Growing On? March 2020 News from Grow Southcoast

by: Adam Davenport, Grow Education Manager

We love cultural exchange and building community.  This coming together is what March was about for Grow Education through partnering with the Bristol County Agricultural High School (known locally and colloquially as “Bristol Aggie”), for our Winter Presentation series. Students from Bristol Aggie prepared some great lessons on bee’s and pollination, the parts of an egg, and the parts of a flower.

Have you heard of a chalaza? I hadn’t either prior to this lesson! The chalaza is a structure inside bird and reptile eggs that attaches the yolk to the ends of the shell. The 3rd graders at Jacobs Elementary learned many interesting new things during the three workshops and participated in an experiential lesson.  It was a beautiful site seeing the ‘student bees’ pollinate their classmate flowers, and provide nectar for the queen bee!  Bristol Aggie will be back in the city to reach another 180 students at Hayden McFadden and Gomes Elementary schools in the near future.

Besides these amazing presentations, Grow is planning for our spring plantings.  We just received confirmation of our plant order from Ivory Silo Farm in Westport.  We are excited to pick up our trays of greens to get in an early season planting with the students! Stay tuned for dates and locations – we could always use an extra pair of hands in the dirt!

In the video below, taken during the 2019-2020 Winter Speaker Series, students at Jacobs Elementary School in New Bedford, MA received a great lesson on bees and pollination from hig school students at Bristol County Agricultural School. ‘Student bees’ pollinate their classmate flowers, and provide nectar for the queen bee!

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