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What’s Growing On? January 2021 News from Grow Education

by Adam Davenport, Grow Education Program Manager

January may not typically be thought of as a time for rebirth and renewal, but for New England farmers it definitely is a busy time of year as they are planning for the season ahead. Many wild seeds out in the fields need this time in the cold to ‘stratify’ and become ready to sprout in the spring. With the winter solstice behind us and daylight increasing once again, now is the time for seeds!

Grow Education has taken this time to ‘plant’ some seeds of inspiration in our youth. Over this past month, our Food Corps members have been focusing their January lesson plans around the importance of seed diversity and resilience. Coming out of 2020, there were many values and teachings on the importance of diversity and resilience – from our personal and global health, to our community values of race. Learning about seeds presents a perfect opportunity to make these associations with the elementary students we are working with in New Bedford.

Like the farmer taking steps now to realize a bounty he cannot yet see, we can take time this month to set our intentions. What is it that you would like to see grow in the year ahead and how can you be a steward of that vision today? Seeds are a remarkable object for reflection. Our Grow Education lesson plan reflects that, highlighting the awesome potential of seeds, their resilience, diversity, and ability to adapt. It also creates an opportunity for discussion of these themes through personal experience and connection-making. We hope that you will share the message and magic of seeds with your community, and support the growing season ahead!

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