We are part of an ecosystem which is within us and surrounds us. Everything in life is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum or independently from one another. The human body is comprised of over 100,000 billion cells, in a wondrous, self-regulating biosystem. Biological medicine seeks to support the body into its natural state of balance and health.
BioBlog is a platform for us to exchange ideas about the growing field of biological medicine. Through this blog we can support one another while advancing the science of self-healing.
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What’s in Your Personal Care Products?
June 28, 2016
by Abigail Haines Smith, Biological Medicine Network Manager With longer daylight hours but brisk temperatures…
Wintertime- how important are vitamins?
June 28, 2016
by Dr. Kurt Tischhauser | Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland You have surely heard controversial statements regarding…
Paracelsus Academy 2017
June 28, 2016
Registration Opening Soon! Seminars 2017 *there may be minor changes to the schedule throughout the…
Lyme Disease Patient Testimonial
June 18, 2016
When we learned of the Paracelsus Klinik, I had been in treatment for chronic Lyme disease for almost 8 years
General: Tips for Winter Health
November 28, 2015
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, our health is greatly impacted by the earth's cycle and…