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GROWing season gets underway with Pacheco School Meet-up

GROW Education welcomed more than 30 people to the Neighborhood Dinner Meet-up at Carlos Pacheco School on February 16.

At the dinner, families from a variety of backgrounds shared their know-how in preparation for planting the school’s garden this spring and told us a few things they would like to learn more about, such as healthy eating and basic gardening tips.

“I was so excited to see the different generations represented. I especially loved how one Portuguese grandfather was there to share his knowledge of his gardens in the Azores and support his grandchildren,” says Yveldy Julien, our Americorps volunteer for Grow Education.

Yveldy also thanked Not Your Average Joe’s and the teachers and faculty at the Pacheco School for helping to make the meet-up such a success.

GROW will be hosting four more meet-ups at schools in the coming weeks. Through these events, GROW continues to strengthen community engagement, using the gardens as hubs for healthy food access and traditional and community-based education.

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