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BioBlog: Having Hope and Supporting Others During Uncertain Times

The Coronavirus has brought about uncharted territory for all of us, both in our country and around the world. COVID-19, pandemic, social distancing, flatten the curve, school closures, shelter in place, stay at home orders, supply chain disruption, hoarding of toilet paper; really, what is going on? Just one month ago, would you have believed we would be facing what we are now?

All of us are feeling the impact, but what can we do to make a difference in our own life and in that of others?


  • Reach out to others that may need your assistance. Do you have an elderly neighbor that may be alone? They may be afraid to leave their home and aren’t sure where to turn. Step up and be the person that checks in on them. You have no idea what this simple gesture of kindness may mean to them.
  • The grocery stores are crazy right now! Be that person that smiles at strangers, and offer a helping hand to someone that looks like they need it.
  • Think about your friend and coworkers that may be overwhelmed. Offer to lighten their load if you are able to. Your quick text message or phone call will let them know you care.
  • There are so many professions that are working tirelessly to serve the greater good, with no immediate relief in the foreseeable future. Healthcare workers are currently being asked to work tremendous hours under extreme conditions with a shortage of protective personal equipment. First responders are arriving to calls not knowing what they may be walking into. Truckers are being asked to keep the supply chain going around the clock. Grocery store and pharmacy workers are stepping up so we can all have the items we need to remain comfortable in our lives. Remember to always be kind when you encounter these individuals. Say thank you and let them know that you appreciate the sacrifice they are making. They all have families too, but they are being asked to put your family ahead of theirs. Show your gratitude!
  • Help others facing food insecurity. Are you lucky enough to have enough food to provide for your family? During this difficult time, think about picking up extra groceries to donate to your local food pantry. Right now they are overwhelmed and I guarantee you that your extra items will be welcomed with open arms.

Don’t forget that this time can be an opportunity for yourself and for your family. How many times in your life are you going to be encouraged to spend more time at home? Here are some ideas to keep you productive, busy and healthy.

  • Start organizing around the home. Take one area at a time, so it’s not overwhelming.
  • Is it a nice day out? Get outside and start your spring yard work. The fresh air will do you good and you’ll feel like you accomplished something once all those leaves are raked up.
  • You never have time for a book; well here is your opportunity to start one.
  • Spend some quality time with your children. Do a puzzle, read together, play a game, start an art or craft project, Facetime a loved one that you can’t visit, take a drive, go out for a walk, cook together, go online for a virtual field trip, talk about anything and everything, kick the ball around the yard. You get the idea!
  • Try a new recipe that you have always wanted to attempt.
  • Start a new exercise program. Maybe you have always wanted to try yoga but you never have time, well this is the perfect opportunity to start with some online instruction.
  • Truly make some YOU time. Quiet your mind and meditate.
  • Go outside for a walk or a run.
  • Watch a movie.
  • Take an Epson salt and essential oil bath to detox.
  • Keep a journal. You’re bound to be amazed when you look back on what you faced during these challenging times.
  • Play fetch with your dog. They are happy that you are around more!
  • Set daily goals for yourself. Write it down and check it off your list.

Above all remember to practice basic protective measures against the Coronavirus.

  • Wash your hands. Soap and water is best, but if not available use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Maintain social distancing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Stay well hydrated.
  • Eat healthy and avoid eating out. Remember to include foods that are high in antioxidants, and organic when possible.
  • Take a good probiotic.
  • Load up on your vitamins and supplements. Zinc, Vitamins B6, C, D & E, Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar and Elderberry are a good place to start.

Please remember that you cannot always control the situation you find yourself in, but you can control your reaction to that situation. We are all in this together, so remember to help others that need it, and reach out to others if you need help yourself.

Live well, be well and stay safe,


Cheryl Radford, BioMed Programs Coordinator


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