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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Health Begins with Awareness

The Biological Medicine (BioMed) approach to health is rooted in the fact that the mind and body are not separate. Every highly tuned system in the human body, including the autonomic nervous system, is constantly communicating with the other systems for the sole purpose of remaining vital.

When we experience stress, insomnia, anxiety, fear, depression, or are suffering from a chronic illness, it is often the mind’s influence that is overlooked as a pivotal factor in wellbeing. In fact, unless we first gain awareness of our own heart, body, and mind, change cannot take place.

The Marion Institute’s BioMed Program is proud to offer the seminal eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. The core premise behind the proven efficacy of MBSR is that how the mind thinks – our perceptions, beliefs, reactions, etc. – has a tremendous influence on the body’s “downstream” systems.

We have the power to change our minds. Mindfulness is the path.

MBSR is a comprehensive course in mind-body awareness taught weekly over eight weeks with one full-day session, typically held on a Saturday. The weekly classes are highly experiential and include mindfulness meditation, the science behind mindfulness, and its effects on physical and mental health. In addition, there will be plenty of opportunity for dialogue and discussion in both large and small groups.

What is mindfulness?

  • The word “mindfulness” is both the name of a style of meditation as well as a way to describe living consciously and fully.
  • Mindfulness is an innate and basic human ability to be fully present to an experience in the very same moment that we’re living it. It means that we are aware of the internal and external qualities of right now, without being overly reactive.
  • Mindfulness meditation has its roots in early contemplative eastern philosophies, yet anyone can practice it.

If you can breathe, you can meditate!

Check out this 30 minute orientation video on MBSR from your instructor, Jessica Frank.

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