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BioBlog: Diagnostics the BioMed Way – April BioBites Goes Back to the Beginning

When it comes to health and healing, the cure is only as good as the diagnosis.  And diagnosing illness is not a simple science.  Understanding the root cause of illness and imbalance requires thorough study, skill, intuition, and depth of knowledge.  Today’s practitioners of Biological Medicine employ the most advanced diagnostic technologies to understand the body’s function and needs with precision and nuance.

On April 6, Dr. Jeoff Drobot, ND will be our guest as we learn more about the array of technologies available to assist in diagnosing and treating illness and how these technologies shed new light on the causative factors of illness.

Join us for our next hour-long conversation with Dr. Jeoff Drobot as we discuss:

  • The Biological Medicine approach to diagnosing illness
  • Frequently used diagnostics and their function
  • Diagnostics and long-term treatment

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About Dr. Jeoff Drobot

DrJeoff Drobot is one of the founders and medical directors of The BioMed Center New England’s sister facility, the American Center for Biological Medicine (ACBM) in Scottsdale, Arizona. He continues to work with professional athletes and sports organizations to maximize athletic performance and recovery.

He is involved with Made Foods in Calgary as well as various other health and wellness organizations across the globe.

Dr. Jeoff Drobot, The BioMed Center

Dr. Drobot graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in Exercise Physiology in 1997. He then pursued a doctorate degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon graduating in 2001.He has spent the last twenty years learning from the best and seeking out cutting edge science and technology to assess and amplify human biology and physiology. He work sclosely with amateur and professional athletes as well as organizations and companies interested in peak performance and longevity.

Dr. Drobot is a leading authority in the fields of European Biological Medicine, chronic and autoimmune disease treatments, detoxification, hormonal imbalance correction and customized sports medicine and nutrition programs. His love of medicine has evolved into a vast clinical focus treating men, women and children from the youngest to the oldest. His passion for learning has regularly led him to travel the world attending seminars, educating others and spending time with the most talented people in medicine.

About The BioMed Center New England

At The BioMed Center New England, medicine and dentistry are brought together in a comprehensive whole-body approach that offers new insight and pathways towards better overall health for you and your family. Examinations, assessments and treatments combined with advanced technologies incorporate modern medical and dental approaches that are safe, effective and sustainable. All of our efforts are focused on helping you achieve your optimal health goals. Learn more at

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