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TEDxNewBedford Salon: Patient-Doctor Collaboration

TEDxNewBedford Salon: Patient-Doctor Collaboration

On August 23, 2016,  The Marion Institute’s BioMed Network hosted a TEDxNew Bedford salon focused on patient-doctor collaboration. We watched two TED talks followed by an open community conversation that included five local doctors. If you missed it, the two pre-recorded TED talks are below.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the event, especially the incredible local doctors who volunteered their time to be part of the conversation: Dr. Richard Miller, Dr. Robert McGowen, and Dr. Uma Harinarayanan of Southcoast Health System & Southcoast Hospitals Group, and Dr. Michael Rocha of Hawthorn Medical Associates! We left the event feeling engaged and inspired to work together to increase health in our community!





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