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Dentistry: Galvanic Toxins With Dr. Thomas Rau

Dentistry: Galvanic Toxins with Dr. Thomas Rau

If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a patient at the Paracelsus Clinic, please contact: Barbara Christian, Patient Coordinator, at

Basic Healing Guidelines: Understanding What It Truly Means To “Detox”

Basic Healing Guidelines: Understanding What it Truly Means to “Detox”

Health is far more than the mere absence of disease. It is an active, ongoing pursuit that requires daily attention and conscious effort. The human body is an extraordinary, self-regulating system capable of correcting imbalances and addressing pathologies—if it’s provided with the right conditions, support, and time.
BioBlog: Did You Know Blood And Cells Gossip?

BioBlog: Did You Know Blood and Cells Gossip?

Throughout the history of medicine, blood has been extracted, examined, and tested as a barometer of health. The main difference between a medical blood test and Live Blood Analysis lies in the process and purpose of the test.
BioBlog: The Epigenetics Of Health

BioBlog: The Epigenetics of Health

For newcomers, epigenetics is a field of study that focuses on heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence. The history of epigenetics can be traced back to the early 20th century.
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