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Healthy Recipe: Pumpkin Soup with Ginger and Coconut Milk


6.5 Cups of pumpkin pulp

5 Cups of carrots

1 Onion

1-2 teaspoons of ginger

4.5 cups of vegetable broth

2 1/4 cups of coconut milk

1-2 teaspoons of turmeric and curry powder combined

1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

2 teaspoons of mild curry paste

Juice of one lemon

Pumpkin seed oil and roast pumpkin seeds

Salt and pepper to taste


Skin and peel pumpkin, carrots, ginger, and onion. Dice and lightly braise them in butter.  Add the broth and boil for about 15- 20 minutes until the ingredients are soft. Mash thoroughly or use a blender.  Add the coconut milk, salt, pepper, spices and lemon juice to taste.  Garnish with pumpkin seed oil and toast pumpkin seeds.

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