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0 lbs CO2 Per Year

$336 Savings Per Year

Short Description

By using your A/C wisely, you can reduce your carbon footprint while also reducing your home ENERGY COSTS.

Long Description

When turning on your A/C, don’t immediately place it on a high setting; it won’t cool your house any faster, and it may result in unnecessary energy use. Try to keep the temperature in your home comfortable rather than cold by setting your thermostat a few degrees lower than the outside temperature. On cool nights, open your windows to help cool your home! Not only will these actions save energy, but they will save you money on home utility bill as well!


Set the temperature in your home using a digital programmable thermostat. If you don’t already have one, sign up with the SouthCoast Energy Challenge to have one installed as part of a NO-COST Home Energy Assessment!


Airconditioners are usually powered by electricity which is produced by burning coal that releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and my be responsible for causing acid rain.

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