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by Sonja Bacus, Nutritionist, Paracelsus Clinic

Throughout the past 50 years, we’ve been living in a world which considers it increasingly normal to consume denaturized food. Without knowing it, we often consume large amounts of sugar through a surprising variety of foods, including canned fish, sausage and cold meat, chips, frozen french fries, tomato sauce, and even food supplements.

These days, we’re talking about sugar as a “legal high” or legalized addiction.

So, sugar – just like all chemically processed “foods”, alcohol or cigarettes – is an addictive substance!

We should not take it for normal if we frequently long for sweet foods and beverages like fruit juice, chocolate, cookies, fruits, bread, pasta, dairy products or fat combined with sugar.

Pure, refined sugar, which is mostly added to convenience food, is acidogenic.

Craving for the “sweet gold”
Our craving for the “sweet gold” is often based on the fact that we suffer from various deficiencies in minerals, vitamins or trace elements. But how does that come ? Refined sugar contains NONE of any these three vital substances. Vital substances, though, are fuel for our body. 35% of our organism is made of minerals, which we have to repeatedly replenish through foods.

What does sugar do? In order to be able to digest and metabolize sugar our body is forced to “sacrifice” its own depots. As a result, we are not only prone to insidious diseases (most of which are related to deficiencies in vital substances) but also carve for sweet foods!

Mood swings, a lack of energy, an upset stomach, problems with falling asleep and/or sleeping through the night, unrest and anxiety, etc. frequently result from a diet that contains too much sugar or are symptoms of addiction.

This also includes eating too much fruits or drinking too much fruit juice! Even though they supply us with lots of vital substances (provided that they are sun-ripened and have been grown on sound soil) they also contain sugar in form of glucose and fructose. Many people are unaware of the fact that the body converts excess fructose to uric acid.

Of course we do not have to spare fruits and sugar completely! However, we should keep the amount, quality and the combination or time of day on mind when we consume it. By doing this, our bodies will thanks us and also arguably our skin will too. While lowering your sugar intake is great for your skin, so is researching into private label CBD Skin Care and many more ways to look after the skin you are in.
If we do consume sugar, we should do so deliberately and avoid excessive amounts. We all catch ourselves up occasionally “scoffing delicacies” unreflectingly.

In this context, I strongly advise you to eat deliberately. A lot of the hidden sugar could already be avoided if we only read the list of ingredients. The main ingredients are generally listed first therein. The ingredients appear in an order corresponding to their respective percentage by weight.

Ideally cook and bake your own delicacies
However, the best solution is to avoid convenience food J and cook or bake your own delicacies. This enables you to decide on quantity and qualities.

For my baking recipes, I use whole cane sugar (Mascobado is my favorite), coconut flower sugar, maple syrup, birch sugar = xylitol (please note: xylitol is not always made from birch sugar but very often from corn syrup, which is of lower quality).

As sweetener for tea: licorice root or stevia leaf

For cold meals: honey from the region or any of the above.

My rule for the consumption even of healthy sugar is: use as little as possible and as much as necessary.


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