With biological methods we have a variety of options to treat the most often chronically ill and desperate patient suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease. Many may seek a more natural method of treatment for inflammation issues, such as CBG oil that is known to reduce inflammation. You can access cbg for sale at Myriam’s Hope Hemp.
The treatment protocols we’re using at the Paracelsus Clinic don’t just try to solve inflammatory issues by calming down the symptoms, which, so far, is the only solution offered by medications like every day optimal cbd. While these are crucial for the management of the condition, we also need to try to go further in-depth and look for the possible causes responsible for developing inflammation within the intestinal mucosa. These causes are mainly toxic burdens deriving from a hidden heavy metal load or waste-toxins from metabolism or bacteriae, the wrong diet and not beneficial eating habits as well as the mental situation and psychological issues the patients might not have yet been able to solve.
Probably one of the most frequent causes are hidden food allergies (IgG-bound food protein allergies), most often to cow dairy, gluten or less frequent eggs and haselnuts.
Permanent stress or psychological traumata especially those that are unconsciously manifested can contribute to the course of the disease and reinforce its occurrence. A balanced parasympathetic and sympathetic enervation as well as strong adaptation capacity in between these two qualities therefore provide easier healing processes and prevent from getting sick in general.
Nearly always we find an extremely weak parasympathetic nervous system in colon inflammation patients – but also a significant lack of “good” and protecting intestinal bacteria, mainly the anaerobic bacteria.
We therefore always recommend first hand to take a closer look at a patient’s heart rate variability test (HRI) before undergoing further investigations. The results given in the heart rate variability test allow us to judge upon the patient’s subconscious mental fitness in the sense of, to what extent the patient’s autonomic nervous system is able to cope with almost insignificant stressors. Pathological findings will end in our “Paracelsus heart music” training.
Interestingly enough, we find in all colon inflammation, but also in irritable bowel patients, a very week intestinal anaerobic flora system and always a severely disturbed HRI with weak parasympathetic tonus.
Therefore, therapies always have to begin with addressing the intestinal flora, and with strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system (Neural Therapies, Colonics, Warm food and drinks and avoiding all potential food allergens!)
At the beginning of biological therapies its also always necessary to check upon the “inner milieu”, the patient provides his body with. As most of you know this is done with Darkfield microscopy of the vital blood. From this you can judge whether the patient might need anti-acidifying treatments, whether you can presume intestinal dysbiosis, which needs to be veri- and specified via stool testings and get an impression of immunecell functioning.
From experience we know, in case the immunecells don’t show plasmatic movement in the Darkfield to an extent they normally would, to expect heavy metal burden being the cause. We therefore always perform a DMPS-Test (= heavy metal excretion urine test) on patients without kidney malfunctioning to gather information about what specific kind of heavy metals are around possibly stored as deposits in the tissues – even intestinal – and need to be eliminated.
At Paracelsus Clinic we test for an amount of comestibles (20), from which we know and our more than five decades long experience tells us, that these are the most common food items provoking intolerances or allergies, observeable in patients being exposed to food commonly offered and consumed in the western hemisphere. This is done via blood work. The most often occurring intolerances we see in our patients are mainly against gluten containing wheat, cow milk (in over 60%) and its products as well as casein (in 15-20%). The test results should guide the patients how to change their diet. In addition they are advised by our nutritionist, whose comments regarding diet you’ll find at the end attached.
Another “must” in the diagnostics of inflammatory bowel disease is the exclusion of leaky gut syndrome: stool test can show an elevated intestinal permeability, which we frequently find in Colitis or Crohn’s patients. This can be treated with simple means: e.g. L-Glutamin, Ultraclear Sustain, Manganese and Molybdenum, etc. There are also typical signs on leaky gut in darkfield, but also a specific test in which you expose the body to Mannitol and Lactulose and measure the absorption in Urine. For less serious instances, individuals may be able to find methods or treatments, similar to megaspore probiotics, to help them improve leaky gut syndrome.
The already earlier touched topic of intestinal flora dysbiosis can be seen via darkfield microscopy, but as we know even more specifically detectable through stooltesting. Judging from our experience the main focus should be on a possible dysbalance of putrefactive and acidifying intestinal flora. An overload with putifying bacteria, mostly caused by meat-eating, can already be found in a alkaline stool-pH of higher than 7.5.
Literature tells us and this has been proven by many independent studies, to look for Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteriae, Entercocci and Bacteroides Species, because of their importance regarding colonisation resistency within the intestinal mucosa. In case the before mentioned microbial strains are balanced no pathogenic germ can nest into the bowel tissue and proliferate. Within the treatment protocol we need to make sure that any deficit of colonisation resistency responsible bacteriae is ruled out. Most often we see as part of the dysbiosis Clostridiae and Klebsiellae overload as well as fungus manifestation in the intestinal system. It’s important to pay attention to these phenomena and to treat them. In these cases we recommend to eat less meat of course and more very well grinded raw vegetables and greens; because “no weeds can grow on a garden that’s taken care of”. Furthermore we have the option to use Haptens to fight Klebsiella overload and fungus with Exmykehl or Tropaeolum majus drops. In addition we recommend colonics with reflorastation on regular basis.
Trace element deficit should be excluded via Hair mineral analysis. We recommend oral supplementation if necessary according to the test results.
Patients with Heavy Metal burden need to follow an intensive detoxification protocol. From our experience this should contain:
Vitamin C 1000 mg 1-0-0
Zinc 30 mg 1-0-0
Selenium 100yg 1-0-0
L-Methionine 1-0-1
Taurin 1-0-1
L-Cystein 1-0-1
Green brown algae (Chlorella, Spirulina)
Together with weekly Paracelsus drainage infusions, where available.
The composition of these drainage infusions vary according to the specific load of heavy metals. In the last years we got more and more careful with using DMPS or EDTA as a chelation agent, because of its potential of draining “good” elements, too.
On the other side we see, that using alpha lipoic acids and phosphatidyle choline as i.v’s can be very helpful, because it also binds organic toxins.
In case the detoxification is not working in reference to repeated DMPS-Testing, detox enzymes need to be investigated via blood gene tests, to see whether there is a genetic defect of the main enzymes (Superoxiddismutase, Epoxidhydrolase, Glutathion-S-Transferase). In case the genetic test comes out positive you need to put the patients on further orthomolecular substances to promote other pathways of detoxification.
For a biological doctor it’s always necessary to look at the dental situation of a patient. We know that palladium containing alloys and amalgams should be exchanged by bio-inert material. A short investigation of the patient’s intraoral situation should always be part of your diagnostics. In case of root canal filled teeth or periapical jaw bone infection on the corresponding meridian (intestine), extraction therapy and/or bone surgery are highly recommended. In case of chronic ostitis either on the extraction site or any other part of the jaw bones, healing injections (Stabident) and neuraltherapy should be considered, to enhance the recovery process.
Cutting it down to the basics a biological treatment protocol for a Colitis or Crohn’s patient according to Paracelsus Clinic would look like this:
L-Glutamin Capsules 1-0-1
Multi Vitamin Cela (Burgerstein) 1-1-1 (or another Multivit, which also includes B-Vit.s)
Utilin (Sanum) X5 Cps 0-0-1 (e.g. Mondays)
Recarcin (Sanum) X5 Cps 0-0-1 (e.g. Fridays)
Rebas (Sanum) 0-0-1
H 15 (frankincense) 2-2-2 (the plant equivalent on antiinflammat. Subst.)
Lactobact omni FOS 1-0-1 (bacteriae)
Eveliza , 1-0-1 (essential amino acids, gluten free, powder)
Fortakehl X4 Cps or X5 Tbl 1-0-1 (or Tbl X5: 1-1-1) (fertilizes the good bacteria)
Gliadin- resp. gluten-free as well as cow-milk- (or even lactose-) free diet
In addition we recommend colonics with reflorastation depending on stool test and prevailing symptoms 4-6 times on a two weeks interval.
Inbida treatments (local hyperthermia) at least 3 times per week have also shown to be very beneficial. Most patients avail themselves of additional neuraltherapy treatments.
We developed a very effective Paracelsus Neural Therapy program, including the important acupuncture points (e.g.stomach 25) and taking the correlating Sanum and Heel remedies into the injection: (e-g. Mucosa comp, Recarcin and Plantago or Nux vomica, or even the Haptenes from Sanum)
Nutritional advices from our Nutritionist Sonja Bacchus:
There are a few simple rules patients with inflammatory bowel disease want to follow:
- The daily dietary plan should always be adjusted to the current disease situation.
- The capacity of the intestines, the prevailing symptoms as well as individualfood intolerances or allergies need to be considered choosing the right diet. We need to be aware that this might change from day to day.
- At stages of acute inflammation an easily digestible diet (low fiber, lowfat) is very essential, but also avoiding all dairy and gluten products!
- During intervals of mild symptoms and recovery from an acute inflammatory attack the patients needs to get used to a balanced diet gradually(recommendations listed below).
- Nutrient deficiencies, complaints caused by stenosis, maldigestion of fatty acidsor lactose intolerance need to be ruled out by the responsiblepractitioner.
- To keep a diary on diet, weight and stool frequencies is a very valuablecomponent supporting recovery and treatment protocol.
- Drinking is very important: ONLY warm water, no sugar or fruit drinks, tea would be allowed, sometimes even black tea good in cases of diarrhea.
At Paracelsus Klinic we recommend a hypoallergenic, mediteranian-type organic food diet, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, multiple unsaturated fatty acids especially of type 3 and 6 as well as complex carbohydrates and aminoacids deriving mainly from vegetables and legumes.
There shouldn’t be any consumption of fast food, animal fats, trans-fatty acids or sugar to avoid the risk of increasing inflammation. Alcohol and coffee as well as smoking should be avoided wherever possible and stopped in the long run.
Fluid intake:
Especially people with inflammatory bowel disease need to pay attention to adequate hydration particularly during diarrhea.
Recommendable beverages and daily amounts are:
- 1.5-2quarts of filtered, non-sparkling water (important: non chlorinated)
- 2-3cups of green, black and/or herbal tea
- If unavoidable 1-2 espressos are permitted
- Especially during acute stages no coffee, espresso, or fruit tea
- Never cold or ice-containing fluids , and NO sugar!
In general artificially sweetened beverages, light sodas and fruit juices should be avoided wherever possible.
Intestinal bacteriae crave for fibers. The better nourished the intestinal bacteriae are the more stable and invulnerable your intestines will become. Through fibers the digestion, metabolism and immune system will be strengthened.
Large quantities of vegetable foods shall be eaten during the day. Vegetables, whole grains, legumes, salads, seeds, sprouts and fruits provide the bowel with the right composition of nutrients.
Lactic acids
As fibers, lactic acids are important components for the right intestinal bacterial growth and flora composition. In case no milk intolerance has been shown we recommend the intake of kefir and buttermilk possibly enriched with fibers every other day. Products from goat, sheep or soy origin should be preferred.
e.g. kefir or buttermilk with 2 tablespoons of flax seeds and/or psyllium added by a few slices of fruit would be perfect to go with.
Fatty acids
Especially omega-3-fatty acids do have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is why eating fish from a cold water source 2-3 times per week is very much recommendable.
Cold water fish rich in omega-3-fatty acids are: salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, kipper
Oils rich in omega-3-fatty acids are: flaxseed oil, hemp oil, avocado
4-6 tablespoons of omega-3-fatty acids enriched oils should be eaten daily together with starches, fruits, vegetables and salads.
We found in nearly ALL patients with autoimmune diseases a significant lack of omega fatty acids, but mainly the lack of Omega 6 is very important and these good, highly unsaturated fatty acids have to be supplemented:
DHA or EPA Omega 3 Cps, 2-3 grams each per day in the beginning.
Be aware that low DHA and EPA, combined with relatively high arachidonic or linolic acid make or at least maintains the mucous membranes inflammation!! Therefore NO Omega 6 fatty acid intake (sun flower and other oils)
The flax seed oil is more or less the only one which contains 60% Omega 3 fatty acids, nearly no omega 6 fatty acids and in cold pressed form no trans-fatty-acids. Therefore it has by itself an anti inflammatory effect. Patients should take – beside DHA and EPA for several 3-6 months 2 table spoons of pure flax seed oil per day.
They could put it over finest grinded carrots or over into some sheep milk curd or with a pressed avocado – or just purely as oil.
One 3 minute boiled organic chicken egg per day is allowed.
To increase the amount of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, trace elements and minerals replace pasta and fries with millet, quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, potatoes or millet bread or –pasta. We do NOT suggest whole grain pasta, because it contains gluten and is even more difficult to digest.
Eat at least two times per week a dish that consists of legumes. Legumes (peas, lentils, beans, but also Avocado) contain in addition to starch high vegetable amino acids, which the body can easily metabolize and use.
Only green beans do not contain any starch.
Pay attention to what bread you buy. Do buy only 100% whole grain bread. Bread with seeds is not necessarily wholegrain bread. Seeds would be principially good, but they need to be grinded VERY well! We do not suggest a multi-grain-bread, because it can create even more intestinal immune confusion. Best would be to eat NO bread. (Wholegrain bread becomes a wholegrain bread depending on what flour is used. The flour must be 100% whole grain with a high extraction rate. The colour of the bread does not tell us anything about the whole grain content.)
Protein or amino acids:
Patients with inflammatory diseases in general have an increased need for protein resp. amino acids. In addition to legumes, lactic acids from selected sheep or goat dairy products (in case there is no intolerance shown) fish and meat (preferably white meat) can be eaten to provide the body with the proper amount of necessary amino acids. Pork should be completely avoided and red meat we suggest only 1-2 times per week maximum. Use chicken, as it contains better amino acids and is lighter to digest. These are just some of the benefits of amino acids, and you’ll likely find that there are more to benefit other health areas!
The way you should eat:
Take your time when eating. Only through proper chewing and at silence, your body can digest and metabolize your food well. Always sit when eating. Don’t drink during your meals, but drink between meals – only warm fluids (see above)
- Spicy and fried food, which have been heated on high temperatures
- Smoked sausage and seafood
- Hard-boiled eggs, fried eggs.
- Instant meals and convenience food
- Sweets and Candy
- Fresh bread or pastries
- Bread with seeds
- Heavily salted and spiced products
Comestibles such as cabbage, leek, onions, mushrooms or pepper can be eaten in small quantities in case they are prepared/steamed gently.
Prepare your food as often as possible yourself.
In order to look nice and for a longer shelf-life most food items are treated with chemicals. Chemicals irritate and weaken your intestines and your immune system. This is why you should buy your food at organic food stores or local farmers markets.
“In young age we sacrifice our time and our health to make money. At the age we sacrifice our time and well earned money to become healthy again.”
Article by:
Dr. Frank Pleus, MD, DDS, OMFS Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle
Dr. Thomas Rau, MD, chief medical director Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle
Sonja Bacus, nutritionist Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle
If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a patient at the Paracelsus Clinic, please contact: Barbara Christian, Patient Coordinator, at bchristianparacelsus@gmail.com.