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Success Stories:

Mass In Motion New Bedford

Mass In Motion New Bedford works closely with the community, including schools, community organizations, businesses/worksites, and our city leaders to create healthier environments for New Bedford’s residents. We focus on increasing access to nutritious foods and increasing opportunities for physical activity through policy, environment and system changes so it’s easier for you and your family to live a healthier lifestyle.

Current Initiatives

In late summer 2014, we were awarded funding from the MA Department of Public Health to continue working on initiatives that promote healthy eating and active living throughout New Bedford.

Our three main areas of focus over the coming years include:

  • Improving access to affordable and nutritious foods through farmer’s markets, healthy markets and community gardens
  • Increasing Safe Routes to Schools participation
  • Improving the built environment to encourage active living

Mass in Motion Kids

In 2009, New Bedford was one of two cities in the Commonwealth to receive the prestigious CORD (MiM Kids) award from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

The five distinct goals of this project are to:

  • Switch from sugary drinks to water
  • Watch no more than 2 hours of screen time each day
  • Get at least 1 hour of physical activity
  • Replace sugary, salt, fried foods with fruits and vegetables
  • Sleep at least 10-11 hours per night

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