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It seems like almost everyone has an iPhone or iPad now days, or at least an iPod or Mac. Thanks to tools like jailbreak ios 9.3.5 which make updating apps on older phones easier, more people are cozying up to the idea of and iPhone. That’s why I’m talking to you about Green Apps for your iOS devices (Don’t worry android fans, next week I’ll do a blog on Green Android apps). A quick Google search reveals plenty of green apps, but since everyone is trying to save money, I’m only going to talk about the free ones. Below is a list of a few of the best and easiest to use green apps in my opinion.

Climate Counts gives each country a unique Climate Score based on it’s political actions. This allow you to choose where to buy products from based on the company’s environmental policies.

Green Outlet lets you see where your electricity use is coming from, and how you can save.

Skeptical Science this is a fun app that explains the science of climate change and disproves the myths circulating about it.

My Recycle List helps you to see what can be recycled and where.

GoodGuide lets you see where products are green, and safe, or not.

For other great green apps see the website below!

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