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Future Primitive is a ground-shattering podcast that has attracted loyal listeners from all around the world. As a pioneer in this venue, Joanna Harcourt-Smith has explored a fascinatingly diverse range of topics, all related to the joys, challenges, and mysteries of the human experience. Discover more:

Towards an effortless and aesthetic harmony with the living world

The Future Primitive podcasts are dedicated to assisting people in participating in the shift that is occurring at this moment in our way of life. We as human beings are experiencing a renaissance of awareness that is taking place as we dream it together. We invite dreamers and activists to articulate their vision of the future rooted in a respectful understanding of the past.

Dedicated to the preservation of oral traditions and emergent communities in a planet-friendly future, it features a range of recorded material and podcasts. Joanna Harcourt-Smith, who runs the site, has exclusive access to the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers who are featured in interviews on the site, along with other leading-edge visionaries and veterans of alternative living. Future Primitive adds yet another dimension to the Marion Institute’s commitment to networking in the global perspective.

Since 2006, Joanna Harcourt Smith has searched the internet for contemporary voices that speak “Truth to Beauty”. Future Primitive has an archive of hundreds intimate conversations, that can be listened to at the click of a mouse. is an audio podcast site where pragmatic visionaries are invited to engage in a Gaialogue that connects soulful perceptions and practical ideas about the change that is taking shape at this moment in our personal and planetary co-evolution.

I consider that the natural biological manner of living is constitutively aesthetic and effortless, and that we have become culturally blind to this condition. In this blindness we have made of beauty a commodity, creating ugliness in all dimensions of our living, and through that ugliness, more blindness in the loss of our capacity to see, to hear, to smell, to touch, and to understand, the interconnectedness of the biosphere to which we belong. We have transformed aesthetics into art, health into medicine, science into technology, human beings into the public…and in this way we have lost the poetic look that permitted us to live our daily life as an aesthetic experience. Finally, in that loss, wisdom is lost. What is the cure? The creation of the desire to live again, as a natural feature of our biosphere, the effortlessness of a multidimensional human living in a daily life of aesthetic experiences.”  – Humberto R. Maturana


Joanna Harcourt-Smith
Future Primitive Program Leader

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