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Southcoast Energy Challenge is now a program of Self-Reliance.

CATAUMET, MA — The Southcoast Energy Challenge (SEC) announced, that effective February 1, it is now a program of Self-Reliance, a like-minded Massachusetts non-profit organization with over 35 years experience in the energy sector. SEC was previously a program of the Marion Institute, a non-profit organization headquartered in Marion, MA.

The Southcoast Energy Challenge’s mission is to advocate for households in Southcoast Massachusetts to have access to clean, efficient, affordable energy by developing and empowering grassroots leaders from these communities. By increasing energy efficiency and clean energy adoption in the region, households save money, improve their health, and increase the value of homes, all while helping to sustain the environment. Nicole Morris-McLaughlin, SEC’s Program Director, has been active in community outreach for many years. She mentors high school students in clean energy, focusing on ways to retain benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in their local communities.

“We are excited to join Self-Reliance and continue collaborative efforts to increase the implementation of cost saving, comfort increasing home energy efficiency measures for people throughout the South Coast and to come up with creative inclusive solutions to bring more clean, renewable, local energy onto the grid,” said Morris-McLaughlin.

Self-Reliance is a women-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that offers a variety of energy services to a diverse population. Its mission is to simplify complex energy issues to educate, inspire and empower people to take action. Self-Reliance’s initiatives consist of a heat & power cooperative; professional training programs; energy consulting services and energy education.

The Marion Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the organizational hub for programs focused on innovative approaches to healthcare, community-building, and sustainability: the BioMed Programs (BioMed Network and the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute) and Grow Education. The Marion Institute also acts as a fiscal sponsor for a range of smaller organizations which are working toward their charitable certification and are in need of administrative support and guidance.



Nicole Morris-McLaughlin
Program Director
Southcoast Energy Challenge

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