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S.A.F.E. Greenhouse Initiative

S.A.F.E.  Education Through Art

IMG_7629S.A.F.E. goes directly into Kenya’s most under-served communities to speak to people directly about some of their greatest challenges.

IMG_7681S.A.F.E. is a Kenyan NGO and UK charity that uses the performing arts and community programs to inspire and deliver social change.On Stage: S.A.F.E. uses theatre to overcome the barriers in people’s behaviours and communities in order to let through life-saving information and services. The performances provide people with the information, skills and attitudes that enable them to take the first steps to changing their own lives for the better.Off Stage: S.A.F.E.’s follow-up community programs are delivered directly by the teams on the ground and through partner organizations. S.A.F.E’s programs are welcomed by the community, this results in huge increases in the take up of services and interventions.



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