Upcoming Connector Series Events
An Evening with Bessel van der Kolk
New York Times Best-selling author
About This Event
The Marion Institute is thrilled to host a discussion with world renowned author and
researcher Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., whose book The Body Keeps the Score has been
translated into 43 languages and remains on the New York Times Bestseller List.
What made a book written for the professional psychiatric community, full of research case
studies and analysis, shoot to the top of bestseller lists and stay there?
In many ways, we live in the age of trauma. The COVID-19 pandemic, poverty, hunger,
#MeToo, global conflicts, racism and racial injustice, inflation, and climate-related disasters
are all weighing on our collective consciousness.
For 50 years, Bessel van der Kolk has been at the forefront of research into post-traumatic
stress. Few have had more influence on our understanding of it, how it works, and how we
might better treat it.
In this Southcoast exclusive event, Dr. van der Kolk will share his insights into how traumatic
experiences can disconnect our body and mind, leaving us with a physical imprint of our
psychic wounds, and explore the body-oriented treatments proving effective.
We invite you to join us for this engaging conversation.
Thursday, June 27th, 6:00-7:30 PM
$55 premium, $45 A reserve, $35 B reserve
Tabor Academy Hoyt Hall, Fireman Center for the Performing Arts
226 Front Street
Marion, Massachusetts 02738