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6352 lbs CO2 Per Year

$0 Savings Per Year

Short Description

Recycle your glass, paper and plastic daily!

Long Description

Waste pollutes and costs our community lots of money and space! There are many ways to produce less waste:


Reduce the amount and toxicity of trash you throw away and reuse containers and products.

Recycle as much as possible and buy products with recycled content.

Practice composting by using microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) to decompose organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings.

The concept of reduce, reuse, and recycle is equally important for household hazardous waste. Improper disposal of leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health.


What it costs:Free!


How to do it: Nearly all Massachusetts cities and towns offer residents the chance to recycle for free or for very low cost. To learn about recycling and hazardous household waste disposal programs in your town, just visit the Mass Department of Environmental Management. Then,


Snap a photo of your full recycling bin, or of you practicing another form of reduce, reuse, recycling and send it to us at along with your name and address to be eligible to win an Energy Challenge T-Shirt!

Congratulate yourself for saving energy and money and making a difference in your South Coast Community

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