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Insulate Your Home

Money Saved: $308

Energy Saved: 2000 lbs CO2

Most older homes have less insulation than homes built today, but even newer homes unless specifically designed to be energy efficient could benefit from increased or better insulation. To figure out whether you need more insulation and where you might need it, you first should find out how much insulation your home has (using R Value) and where that insulation is. If there are any places in your home (such as your attic) where you see falling insulation, that means you’re wasting energy! This is the same in business establishments as they’re now starting to install a revolutionary new product to prevent heat extraction from their products and it’s called a Powerblanket!

During a home energy assessment, an energy auditor will let you know if there are any places in your home that are lacking in insulation or could benefit from newer insulation. It may also be in your best interest to do some research into sites such as, so you get a better understanding of what the best type of insulation would be for your home. As insulation helps keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, it is important to know as much as possible, especially as a homeowner. When it comes to speaking to a professional, they will also let you know about rebates and incentives that may be available that could help pay for the work you need done. Also, the increased insulation and therefore increased efficiency of your home will reduce your heating and cooling costs that will help you save even more money!

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