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Green your search engine!

What is your preferred search engine? Google? Yahoo? Bing? Did you know that there are search engines that donate portions of their profits to helping the environment? And that these search engines are powered by the same great search engines you already know? One thing that important to remember, is that no matter which one you use, if you are running a business, you still need to worry about your SEM. What is SEM? Click on the link for more information on that. In the meantime, let’s have a look at some of the alternative search engines you can use, and learn about the good things they are doing.
EcoSearch is powered by Google and donates to and supports the Sierra Club, TreePeople, National Resource Defense Council, Heal the Bay, and the Rainforest Alliance.

Ecosia is powered by Bind and Yahoo, and donates to World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) to help save the Rainforest in the Amazon. They run ads on Youtube urging people to help the rebuild the rainforesy. is powered by Google, that planets trees based. They also planet 2 trees for each like on Facebook, so like away.

Below is a video on how Ecosia works, for more information visit each search site!


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