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Having a pool in your backyard is great. You get to swim in it at any time of the day, you don’t have to share with the general public and it’s a much more private way to exercise and have fun. However, with the fun of a pool comes the responsibility of keeping it cleaning and functioning. For all you pool owners, did you know that electricity prices are generally higher during the day? So why are you running your pool pumps in the daytime? Run it at night, and instantly reduce your electricity bill. It doesn’t matter whether it’s pool filters for inground pools or outdoor pools, running them at night could significantly reduce your electricity usage and the size of your electricity bill.

Pool owners, check your electricity bill and see if you have variable rates for peak and off-peak hours. “Peak” time is during the day, and “off-peak” is at night. If your rate is lower at night, take advantage of this. Your pool will stay perfectly clean, and cost you less if you run it during those off-peak hours. This means you can still have endless fun and save money at the same time. Who wouldn’t enjoy that combination?!

If don’t you think you’ll remember to turn your filter on in the evening, you can always buy a small device to do it for you. A handy pool timer will automatically turn your pumps on and off. You can purchase one at any hardware or pool store. This makes cleaning your pool even easier!

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